The following Genesys RPG session report in the Salvage world setting, is based on the Hebrew posts written by my awesome player Daniel, and translated using Google Translate (some editing by me). Thanks a lot again Daniel!
Link to original Hebrew posts:
Catch up with previous session reports:
Salvage Sessions 0+1 Report
Salvage, Session 2 Report
Salvage, Session 3 Report
Salvage, Session 4 Report
Salvage, Session 5 Report
Salvage, Session 6 Report
SPOILER ALERT! Sort of. Even though I heavily changed or just straight made up large chunks of this campaign’s story, players who plan to play in the Salvage setting might learn a few canon details that their GM wouldn’t necessarily want their characters to know.
They make their way south in the flying alien vessel, debating where to go next — should they proceed directly to the equator and search for the Onai spacecraft, or perhaps stop first at Valkyrie? They decide that since Dr. Suchi knows how to fix Essos, they should pick him up and so he can fix Cam who suffered serious injuries in the last battle.
They arrive at sunset to Valkyrie, deciding to use their Onai flying ship to make a dramatic entrance, thus impressing the residents to join their mission to save humanity — but Uncle Oscar stares at them in bewilderment, fearing that their Onai technology will be quickly plundered. Cam suggests that they first contact Dr. Suchi. They rummage through Uncle Oscar’s junk and find an old video communicator.
They succeed to call Dr. Suchi who is very surprised to see that they are flying! The group is even more surprised to see that his whole place looks completely ransacked, and he has a cut on his forehead. Suchi explains that members of the Mod-Fathers gang broke into his apartment, in search of Biolumicron. Jericho’s eyes open wide in alarm as he suddenly realizes that his family may be in danger as well! He quickly disconnects the call with Suchi and calls his wife, urging her to take the kids and get to a safe place ASAP. While she gets organized there is a knock on the door and Jericho screams for her to run out the back. A moment later the front door of the house explodes and a number of thugs enter, then the video broadcast abruptly ends.
As Jericho wanders helplessly across the airship, Ho’led tries to contact the Valkyrie Firewall precinct, so they can send cops to stop the Mod-Father thugs. To everyone’s astonishment, their transmission is transferred to the precinct’s chief’s office, and they see Friday Barris, the head of Petra’s council, right there in Valkyrie. She addresses the three of them by name, telling them to stop what they are doing and return to Petra. She says everything is under control and they just need to turn in their Biolumicron. Jericho gets confused and turns to Ho’led to ask if he called Petra or Valkyrie?! They group finds an excuse to break up the call.
After Jericho calms down a bit and suggests they call Dave Thompson, their politician patron, who tells them they should be careful of Friday — she is actually the one who runs the Mod fathers. She has a plan for the Biolumicron for sure, but he has no idea what it is. Jericho asks Dave to send people he can trust to get his family and Dr. Suchi to safety.
They hang up and after a short wait they receive an incoming call from the Valkyrie Firewall office — Friday is calling them back, this time trying to negotiate. Jericho begins a long speech about saving humanity: “…we are just people, trying to stop a disaster…” Friday interrupts him, thinking he is full of shit. Jericho has had enough and confesses they know that she’s collaborating with the Mod fathers. Friday promises Jericho retaliation and then turns to Ho’led. She promises to forgive his grandfather’s mistakes and return Ho’led’s family to their previous high standing, allowing their return to The Hold back in Petra. Ho’led plays along with her, trying to get more information when the group finally has enough and cut the call and continue their way south.
Several tense minutes later they get a return call from Dave Thompson announcing that they have managed to save Jericho’s family and Suchi. The group arranges to pick them up at night at a meetup place in the desert out side Valkyrie and decide to make their way to the equator and hopefully come back with the Onai spacecraft. Such a show of force that Friday cannot mess with.
That night, while asleep, Jericho has a premonition… he sees a kind of strange arrowhead made up of plastic and electronic parts. In addition, he sees a huge rift opening in the jungle, from which an army of Oilers emerge and behind them, a giant Oiler the size of a building. Shadows of human beings run among the trees. Jericho wakes up sweating and out of breath, retells his vision to his friends. As he calmed down, they recall folk stories of a human colony ship crashing down in the equator — and a lost tribe of humans living in the jungles.

Shortly before the sunrise, a sudden lightning storm breaks out, with lightning striking the air around their air-ship. Ho’led struggles with the controls and successfully manages to maneuver between the electrically-charged clouds. They fly clear of the clouds and finally, for the first time ever, they see the sun rising above a green horizon — the equator’s jungle spreading in front of them. They approach the coordinates they know the alien ship is supposed to be, which surprisingly turns out to be near a huge waterfall… A location oddly familiar to Jericho. They land their ship and scout the area nervously, avoiding getting near the tempting rushing water. They quickly find signs that a mighty battle has taken place – just like in Jericho’s vision!
They find footprints of barefoot humans beings leading into the jungle, some carrying bodies with them. The group decides to follow the trail on foot leaving Jericho’s family, Dr. Suchi, Uncle Oscar and Tanya to guard the ship.
They make their way through the thick jungle, Jericho in front leveling the foliage with his sharp sword, while Cam is on guard, scanning the jungle with all of his advanced sensors… an new and foreign feeling for everyone.
Eventually they approach a cliff where they spot the outskirts of a human village below them, a primitive looking place, with makeshift huts. While they stare in astonishment, a group of piranha–monkeys ambush them from the trees! Cam responds quickly, shoots at them which frightens them for a moment, but fails to stop them. Jericho rushes forward to intercept the monkeys but Ho’led, who stood closer, is severely injured by them — One of the monkeys bites him in the neck and he begins to bleed profusely . Ho’led steps back and with a last-ditch effort picks up his alien rifle and drop most of them in a sequence of quick shots. Jericho manages to kill one of the monkeys and scare away another one, before the monkeys manage to recover and attempt a second attack. Cam contiues to shoot at them again, killing half of the monkeys left standing while the rest escape for their lives.
They emerge from the trees near the village, wounded and exhausted from the battle, and are quickly surrounded by a number of human beings, all pointing loaded bows at them. The villagers are completely silent, not saying a word, but still seem to be communicating amongst themselves. Jericho uses his psychic sense to try and understand them. He senses that they are indeed talking telepathically, and he manages to understand what they are saying! They are all saying “It’s him, It’s the one!” and then all point to Jericho.
Jericho addresses the locals telepathically, saying he has seen this place in his visions. The locals are in shock that Jericho can communicate with them, but a specific local is particularly suspicious of Jericho and fires an arrow at him in agitation! The arrow scratches Jericho’s arm as the rest of the savages leap at the firing savage and restrain him! Then, unfathomably, they all kneel down before Jericho.
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