What you do is: print the FIRST PAGE ONLY. Then, flip it over, put it back in the printer upside down and print the second page of the pdf on the other side.
Then you should laminate the first page (the “front”). I use just regular sticky transparent paper — don’t know what is its technical term.
What you get is the perfect Spacemaster: Privateers Combat reference for newbies and pros alike. It’s what I like to call a “Player Screen”. Using an erasable marker (the kind you use for white-boards), note the number of the round and your initiative in the top-left designated spaces. Choose what to do in the Snap/Normal/Deliberate phases by just marking the letter of the action phase near the action. For actions with variable percentage, write down the exact number in the appropriate box. Don’t forget to note your OB/DB split in the Parry box. If it’s a Moving Maneuver, you have spaces to put in the pace & distance. If it’s a Static Maneuver or a general maneuver, write it in the space below the Static Maneuver percentage. You can use the boxes on the left for marking off rounds for psychic power durations, fired missiles, Refractory period, remaining foes :), what have you.
Next round, erase all the changing data (round number, initiative, actions, etc.) and start a new.
Thanks for Ironcrown Enterprises for their great game!
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