Spacemaster Standard System Character Booklet


An extensive and user-friendly Spacemaster Character Sheet in Booklet form

(Downloads - 331)


An extensive and user-friendly Spacemaster Standard System (AKA Spacemaster: Privateers) Character Sheet in Booklet form.


  1. Adobe PDF Reader
  2. Before using these PDFs you will need to download and install these fonts on your computer: Barcode Font, SF Chaerilidae Font Family, Haettenschweiler, and Boost SSi.

Here’s what you have to do in order to create the Spacemaster Character Sheet Booklet:

  1. Print (As landscape) all the Odd numbered pages. I suggest setting your printer to maximum printable area.
  2. Print the Even numbered pages on the BACKSIDE OF THE ODD PAGES. Use the same printing settings as the Odd pages.
  3. Order the pages from first to last; The first page should have the title “Equipment” on the left, and the title “SPACEMASTER Character Sheet” on the right. The last page should have “Special – Training” as a combined title on both pages.
  4. Fold the whole pack of pages in the exact middle so that it will form a little booklet, the center of which would have the “Special Training” title.
  5. Staple the booklet in the folding, or bind it whatever way you like. I suggest putting the open booklet on some cardboard and punch through the folding with an open stapler. Then bend the clips with your hands or something.

Et voila! You have made yourself a Spacemaster Character Sheet Booklet!

Version info:
Made more room for weapon, combat mane. and special attacks skills on the 4th page.

First release.

Thanks for Ironcrown Enterprises for their great game!

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